Land Narratives Showcase

Join us to hear from a group of international photographic artists from the Land Narratives Study Group who will present their current works in a one-off online talk exploring the wonders and profound challenges of the natural world around us.

This event is free to attend.

Hosted by Land Art Agency and Collective, following a six month online study group facilitated by photographer-artist Hanna-Katrina Jedrosz, this online event is the culmination of the work proposed and realised by the participating artists.

The artists will share their projects and talk about their processes in insightful presentations using images and text.

About the artists and work

In The River Flows Through Us, Cathy Pyle explores the magical experience of swimming in the river Wey in her hometown. She explores how, immersed in the river, we enter a state of flow (literal and metaphorical), in which our senses are fully engaged and our perspectives shift. The photographic series is also about how our connection with nature goes both ways, and as the river benefits our wellbeing, so we too carry a responsibility to protect the river.

Oscailte le bláth (Open to flower) by Sinead Curran is rooted in a garden - to plant, seed,

grow - trees, flowers, herbs - to protect a home, to create magic, myth, recipes, rituals, soup, medicine, share – in the hope that we can find a way to connect with the soul of the earth, the nonhuman, in ways that shape who we are and move forward to a future that provides hope.

Maria Stella Lydaki will present Anagennisi, photographed following wildfires on the island of Rhodes, a photo narrative about our inner and outer burnouts, storytelling, and heightened awareness.

In Biophilia Cara Davidson explores how as humans we have an innate and intuitive need to be connected to nature. Through experimenting with film photography techniques this project aims to examine the interconnection between the human body and the natural world, as well as looking at how nature spaces make us feel.